
Why backups are so vital

What’s a backup?

Undergoing a ‘backup’ is the process of generating and storing copies of your data that can be used in the unlikelihood of loss of data in your business. We cannot stress strongly enough how important it is to keep a regular and comprehensive backup stored on a USB or external device.

As you would be well aware, there may be a chance of a virus or ransomware attacking one of your computers.  As a result, this can cause a significant loss of data due to insufficient backups.

If you are using one of our backup solutions, remember to:

  1.  Run the backup every day
  2. Make sure it is backing up to a USB or other external source
  3. Don’t leave the external backup plugged into your computer
  4. Make sure the backup is complete, otherwise it is not useable
  5. If you’re unsure, call us and we can check

For a step-by-step guide, follow the help file “COSTAR Backup Procedure” to run you through the process. If you are using a different backup solution, please consult your tech if you need anything checked.

Why are backups so important?

If your computer fails and you don’t have a backup you will lose the following:

  • Your sales history
  • Your financials (you won’t be able to give any meaningful reports to your accountant)
  • Your customers details
  • Your accounts receivable (you won’t know how much money your customers owe you)
  • Your suppliers details
  • Your accounts payable (you won’t know how much you owe your suppliers)
  • Your product details
  • Your quantity on hand details

Remember, if your computer does fail or you get hit by a virus your business may only be as good as your last backup. If that happens and you have a recent backup, you can switch to another computer and be back up and running as if nothing happened all within a couple of hours.

If you need a hand completing a backup for your COSTAR system, please contact our Support desk.

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